Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Free PDF to Word DOC Converter

I really haven’t gotten around checking new freeware for the past few months so oblige me as I sneak in a post or two. In all honesty, I could just go on and on featuring all sorts of freeware here but I usually go for the top-ranked ones. Call me prejudiced, but if it’s not in my PC, I rarely recommend it to people.

free pdf convertAnyway, I’m quite glad that someone has finally come up with a free PDF to Word converter. Commercial software asks for somwhere between $50 to $100 for this functionality but we just have to thank HelloPDF for creating Free PDF to Word Doc Converter.

A word of warning though, for a free converter, this is probably the best thing that you can get. It’s great for those straight up conversion like if the PDF document looks to have been created from a Word document and if it doesn’t include fancy formatting. I tried one that’s of that nature and it works like a charm.

Feed it something that has more fanciful layout like tables and whatnot and you might have a wee-bit of a problem. What’s nice about it is that it has a Uses Text-box option that tries to replicate layout by converting chunks of text from PDF to text-boxed paragraphs in Word. It can capture the layout quite well but editing might be a bitch.

But as far as I have experienced, this is a great tool to have in your archiving arsenal. I’m a PDF fan and I know the hassles of having to copy text from PDF and pasting them to Word. This converter works for me.

Download PDF to Word DOC Converter here.

Via Lifehacker


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